Querying acoustic measures

Querying acoustic tracks

All of the built-in acoustic measures are saved as tracks with 10 ms intervals in the database (and formants created using one of the functions in Encoding formants). To access these values, you use corpus_context.phone.MEASUREMENT.track, replacing MEASUREMENT with the name of the measurement you want: pitch, formants, or intensity.

Example: querying for formant track (TODO: I haven’t tested whether this really works exactly as it’s written)

with CorpusContext(config) as c:
        q = c.query_graph(c.phone)
        q = q.columns(c.phone.begin, c.phone.end, c.phone.formants.track)
        results = q.all()

You can also find the min, max, and mean of the track for each phone, using corpus_context.phone.MEASUREMENT.min, etc.

Querying acoustic point measures

Acoustic measures that only have one measurement per phone are termed point measures and are accessed as regular properties of the annotation.

Anything encoded using analyze_script is not saved as a track, and are instead recorded once for each phone. These are accessed using corpus_context.phone.MEASUREMENT, replacing MEASUREMENT with the name of the measurement you want.

Example: querying for cog (center of gravity)

with CorpusContext(config) as c:
        q = c.query_graph(c.phone)
        q = q.columns(c.phone.begin, c.phone.end, c.phone.cog)
        results = q.all()

Querying Voice Onset Time

Querying voice onset time is done in the same method as acoustic point measures, however, the vot object itself has different measures associated with it.

So, you must also include what you would like from the vot measurement as shown below.

with CorpusContext(config) as c:
        q = c.query_graph(c.phone)
        q = q.columns(c.phone.vot.begin, c.phone.vot.end, c.phone.vot.confidence)
        results = q.all()