Source code for polyglotdb.corpus.summarized

from polyglotdb.exceptions import GraphQueryError

from .phonological import PhonologicalContext

from ..query.base.func import Average

[docs]class SummarizedContext(PhonologicalContext): """ Class that contains methods for dealing specifically with summary measures for linguistic items """
[docs] def get_measure(self, data_name, statistic, annotation_type, by_speaker=False, speaker=None): """ abstract function to get statistic for the data_name of an annotation_type Parameters ---------- data_name : str the aspect to summarize (duration, pitch, formants, etc) statistic : str how to summarize (mean, stdev, median, etc) annotation_type : str the annotation to summarize by_speaker : boolean whether to summarize by speaker or not speaker : str the specific speaker to encode baseline duration for (only for baseline duration) """ baseline = False column = statistic + "_" + data_name percent = "" if data_name == "duration": num_prop = "p.end - p.begin" m = "" if statistic == "mean": m = "avg" elif statistic == "stdev": m = statistic elif statistic == 'median': m = 'percentileDisc' percent = ", .5" elif statistic == "baseline": baseline = True result = self.baseline_duration(annotation_type, speaker) else: raise (AttributeError( "The statistic {} is not a valid option. Options are mean, median, stdev, or baseline".format( statistic))) if not self.hierarchy.has_type_property('utterance', 'label'): self.encode_utterances() if speaker is not None: statement = "MATCH (p:{annotation_type}:{corpus_name})-[:spoken_by]->(s:Speaker:{corpus_name}) " \ "where = '{speaker}' " \ "RETURN p.label as {annotation_type}, {measure}({num_prop}{percent}) as {column}".format( corpus_name=self.cypher_safe_name, annotation_type=annotation_type, measure=m, num_prop=num_prop, percent=percent, speaker=speaker, column=column) if by_speaker: statement = "MATCH (p:{annotation_type}:{corpus_name})-[:spoken_by]->(s:Speaker:{corpus_name}) " \ "RETURN as speaker, p.label as {annotation_type}, {measure}({num_prop}{percent}) as {column}".format( corpus_name=self.cypher_safe_name, annotation_type=annotation_type, measure=m, num_prop=num_prop, percent=percent, column=column) else: statement = "MATCH (p:{annotation_type}:{corpus_name}) RETURN p.label as {annotation_type}, {measure}({num_prop}{percent}) as {column}".format( corpus_name=self.cypher_safe_name, annotation_type=annotation_type, measure=m, num_prop=num_prop, percent=percent, column=column) if not baseline: result = [] res = self.execute_cypher(statement) for item in res: result.append(item) return result
[docs] def baseline_duration(self, annotation, speaker=None): """ Get the baseline duration of each word in corpus. Baseline duration is determined by summing the average durations of constituent phones for a word. If there is no underlying transcription available, the longest duration is considered the baseline. Parameters ---------- speaker : str a speaker name, if desired (defaults to None) Returns ------- word_totals : dict a dictionary of words and baseline durations """ index = 'label' word = getattr(self, self.word_name) phone = getattr(self, self.phone_name) # if annotation == 'word': # annotation = word if annotation == 'utterance': ## TODO: find a good key for utterances (labels too long anyway and are None) index = 'id' if not self.hierarchy.has_type_property('utterance', 'label'): raise (AttributeError('Annotation type \'{}\' not found.'.format(annotation))) if annotation == 'syllable': if not self.hierarchy.has_type_property('syllable', 'label'): raise (AttributeError('Annotation type \'{}\' not found.'.format(annotation))) speaker_statement = ''' MATCH (m:phone:{corpus_name})-[:spoken_by]->(s:Speaker:{corpus_name}) where = '{speaker}' with m.{index} as target, avg(m.end-m.begin) as dur with target,dur match (p:phone:{corpus_name}) where p.{index} = target set p.average_duration = dur with p as phone match(n:{higher_annotation}:{corpus_name}) where phone.begin>=n.begin and phone.end<=n.end with n,phone with n, n.{index} as target, sum(phone.average_duration) as baseline set n.baseline_duration = baseline return n.{index}, n.baseline_duration'''.format(higher_annotation=annotation, corpus_name=self.cypher_safe_name, index=index, speaker=speaker) statement = ''' MATCH (m:phone:{corpus_name}) with m.{index} as target, avg(m.end-m.begin) as dur with target,dur match (p:phone:{corpus_name}) where p.{index} = target set p.average_duration = dur with p as phone match(n:{higher_annotation}:{corpus_name}) where phone.begin>=n.begin and phone.end<=n.end with n,phone with n, n.{index} as target, sum(phone.average_duration) as baseline set n.baseline_duration = baseline return n.{index} as label, n.baseline_duration as baseline_duration'''.format(higher_annotation=annotation, corpus_name=self.cypher_safe_name, index=index) if speaker is not None: statement = speaker_statement res = self.execute_cypher(statement) result = {} for c in res: result.update({c['label']: c['baseline_duration']}) return result
[docs] def average_speech_rate(self): """ Get the average speech rate for each speaker in a corpus Returns ------- result: list the average speech rate by speaker """ if not 'utterance' in self.annotation_types: raise (GraphQueryError('Utterances must be encodes to calculate average speech rate.')) if not 'syllable' in self.annotation_types: raise (GraphQueryError('Syllables must be encodes to calculate average speech rate.')) word = getattr(self, self.word_name) q = self.query_graph(self.utterance) res = q.group_by('name')).aggregate( Average(self.utterance.syllable.rate)) return res
[docs] def make_dict(self, data, speaker=False, label=None): """ turn data results into a dictionary for encoding Parameters ---------- data : list a list returned by cypher Returns ------- finaldict : dict a dictionary in the format for enrichment """ finalDict = {} if not speaker: if type(data) == list and len(data[0]) == 2: for i, r in enumerate(data): finalDict.update({r[0]: {str(data[1].keys()[1]): r[1]}}) else: for r in data.keys(): finalDict.update({r: {'baseline_duration': data[r]}}) if speaker: keys = data[0].keys() speaker = data[0].values()[0] prop = keys[2] firstDict = {x[label]: x[prop] for x in data} speakerDict = self.make_speaker_annotations_dict(firstDict, speaker, prop) return speakerDict return finalDict
[docs] def encode_measure(self, property_name, statistic, annotation_type, by_speaker=False): """ Compute and save an aggregate measure for annotation types Available statistic names: * mean/average/avg * sd/stdev Parameters ---------- property_name : str Name of the property statistic : str Name of the statistic to use for aggregation annotation_type : str Name of the annotation type by_speaker : bool Flag for whether to compute aggregation by speaker """ if property_name == 'duration': property = 'a.end - a.begin' else: property = 'a.{}'.format(property_name) if statistic.lower() in ['mean', 'average', 'avg']: func = 'avg' name = 'mean' elif statistic.lower() in ['sd', 'stdev']: func = 'stdev' name = 'sd' if by_speaker: statement = '''MATCH (a_type:{annotation_type}_type:{corpus_name})<-[:is_a]-(a:{annotation_type}:{corpus_name})-[:spoken_by]->(s:Speaker:{corpus_name}) with a_type, s, {func}({property}) as value MERGE (a_type)-[r:spoken_by]->(s) with r, value set r.{func_name}_{property_name} = value''' else: statement = '''MATCH (a_type:{annotation_type}_type:{corpus_name})<-[:is_a]-(a:{annotation_type}:{corpus_name}) with a_type, {func}({property}) as value set a_type.{func_name}_{property_name} = value ''' self.execute_cypher( statement.format(corpus_name=self.cypher_safe_name, annotation_type=annotation_type, property=property, func_name=name, func=func, property_name=property_name)) self.hierarchy.add_type_properties(self, annotation_type, [('_'.join([name, property_name]), float)]) self.encode_hierarchy()
[docs] def encode_baseline(self, annotation_type, property_name, by_speaker=False): """ Encode a baseline measure of a property, that is, the expected value of a higher annotation given the average property value of the phones that make it up. For instance, the expected duration of a word or syllable given its phonological content. Parameters ---------- annotation_type : str Name of annotation type to compute for property_name : str Property of phones to compute based off of (i.e., ``duration``) by_speaker : bool Flag for whether to use by-speaker means """ if by_speaker: exists_statement = '''MATCH (a_type:{annotation_type}_type:{corpus_name})-[:spoken_by]->(s:Speaker:{corpus_name}) RETURN 1 LIMIT 1'''.format(annotation_type=annotation_type, corpus_name=self.cypher_safe_name) if len(list(self.execute_cypher(exists_statement))) == 0: self.encode_measure(property_name, 'mean', 'phone', by_speaker) statement = '''MATCH (a:{annotation_type}:{corpus_name})-[:spoken_by]->(s:Speaker:{corpus_name}) with a, s MATCH (a)<-[:contained_by*]-(p:{phone_name}:{corpus_name})-[:is_a]->(pt:{phone_name}_type:{corpus_name})-[r:spoken_by]->(s) WITH a, sum(r.mean_{property_name}) as baseline SET a.baseline_{property_name}_by_speaker = baseline'''.format(corpus_name=self.cypher_safe_name, phone_name=self.phone_name, property_name=property_name, annotation_type=annotation_type) self.execute_cypher(statement) self.hierarchy.add_token_properties(self, annotation_type, [('baseline_{}_by_speaker'.format(property_name), float)]) else: if not self.hierarchy.has_type_property('phone', 'mean_'+ property_name): self.encode_measure(property_name, 'mean', 'phone', by_speaker) statement = '''MATCH (a:{annotation_type}:{corpus_name}) with a MATCH (a)<-[:contained_by*]-(p:{phone_name}:{corpus_name})-[:is_a]->(pt:{phone_name}_type:{corpus_name}) WITH a, sum(pt.mean_{property_name}) as baseline SET a.baseline_{property_name} = baseline'''.format(corpus_name=self.cypher_safe_name, phone_name=self.phone_name, property_name=property_name, annotation_type=annotation_type) self.execute_cypher(statement) self.hierarchy.add_token_properties(self, annotation_type, [('baseline_{}'.format(property_name), float)]) self.encode_hierarchy()
[docs] def encode_relativized(self, annotation_type, property_name, by_speaker=False): """ Compute and save to the database a relativized measure (i.e., the property value z-scored using a mean and standard deviation computed from the corpus). The computation of means and standard deviations can be by-speaker. Parameters ---------- annotation_type : str Name of the annotation type property_name : str Name of the property to relativize by_speaker : bool Flag to use by-speaker means and standard deviations """ if property_name == 'duration': property_descriptor = '(p.end - p.begin)' else: property_descriptor = 'p.{}'.format(property_name) if by_speaker: exists_statement = '''MATCH (a_type:{annotation_type}_type:{corpus_name})-[:spoken_by]->(s:Speaker:{corpus_name}) RETURN 1 LIMIT 1'''.format(annotation_type=annotation_type, corpus_name=self.cypher_safe_name) res = list(self.execute_cypher(exists_statement)) if len(res) == 0: self.encode_measure(property_name, 'mean', 'phone', by_speaker) self.encode_measure(property_name, 'sd', 'phone', by_speaker) else: try: res[0]['mean_{}'.format(property_name)] except KeyError: self.encode_measure(property_name, 'mean', 'phone', by_speaker) try: res[0]['sd_{}'.format(property_name)] except KeyError: self.encode_measure(property_name, 'sd', 'phone', by_speaker) if annotation_type == self.phone_name: statement = '''MATCH (p:{annotation_type}:{corpus_name})-[:spoken_by]->(s:Speaker:{corpus_name}) with p, s MATCH (p)-[:is_a]->(pt:{phone_name}_type:{corpus_name})-[r:spoken_by]->(s) WITH p, avg(case when r.sd_{property_name} > 0 THEN ({property_descriptor} - r.mean_{property_name}) / r.sd_{property_name} ELSE 0 END) as relativized SET p.relativized_{property_name}_by_speaker = relativized'''.format(corpus_name=self.cypher_safe_name, phone_name=self.phone_name, annotation_type=annotation_type, property_name=property_name, property_descriptor=property_descriptor) else: statement = '''MATCH (a:{annotation_type}:{corpus_name})-[:spoken_by]->(s:Speaker:{corpus_name}) with a, s MATCH (a)<-[:contained_by*]-(p:{phone_name}:{corpus_name})-[:is_a]->(pt:{phone_name}_type:{corpus_name})-[r:spoken_by]->(s) WITH a, avg(case when r.sd_{property_name} > 0 THEN ({property_descriptor} - r.mean_{property_name}) / r.sd_{property_name} ELSE 0 END) as relativized SET a.relativized_{property_name}_by_speaker = relativized'''.format(corpus_name=self.cypher_safe_name, phone_name=self.phone_name, annotation_type=annotation_type, property_name=property_name, property_descriptor=property_descriptor) self.execute_cypher(statement) self.hierarchy.add_token_properties(self, annotation_type, [('relativized_{}_by_speaker'.format(property_name), float)]) else: if not self.hierarchy.has_type_property('phone', 'mean_{}'.format(property_name)): self.encode_measure(property_name, 'mean', 'phone', by_speaker) if not self.hierarchy.has_type_property('phone', 'sd_{}'.format(property_name)): self.encode_measure(property_name, 'sd', 'phone', by_speaker) if annotation_type == self.phone_name: statement = '''MATCH (p:{annotation_type}:{corpus_name}) with p MATCH (p)-[:is_a]->(pt:{phone_name}_type:{corpus_name}) WITH p, avg(case when pt.sd_{property_name} > 0 THEN ({property_descriptor} - pt.mean_{property_name}) / pt.sd_{property_name} ELSE 0 END) as relativized SET p.relativized_{property_name} = relativized'''.format(corpus_name=self.cypher_safe_name, phone_name=self.phone_name, annotation_type=annotation_type, property_name=property_name, property_descriptor=property_descriptor) else: statement = '''MATCH (a:{annotation_type}:{corpus_name}) with a MATCH (a)<-[:contained_by*]-(p:{phone_name}:{corpus_name})-[:is_a]->(pt:{phone_name}_type:{corpus_name}) WITH a, avg(case when pt.sd_{property_name} > 0 THEN ({property_descriptor} - pt.mean_{property_name}) / pt.sd_{property_name} ELSE 0 END) as relativized SET a.relativized_{property_name} = relativized'''.format(corpus_name=self.cypher_safe_name, phone_name=self.phone_name, annotation_type=annotation_type, property_name=property_name, property_descriptor=property_descriptor) self.execute_cypher(statement) self.hierarchy.add_token_properties(self, annotation_type, [('relativized_{}'.format(property_name), float)]) self.encode_hierarchy()