Source code for polyglotdb.acoustics.other

import time

from conch import analyze_segments

from conch.analysis.praat import PraatAnalysisFunction

from .segments import generate_segments, generate_utterance_segments

from .io import point_measures_to_csv, point_measures_from_csv
from .utils import PADDING

[docs]def generate_praat_script_function(praat_path, script_path, arguments=None): """ Generate a partial function that calls the praat script specified. (used as input to analyze_file_segments) Parameters ---------- praat_path : string full path to praat/praatcon script_path: string full path to the script arguments : list a list containing any arguments to the praat script, optional (currently not implemented) Returns ---------- function the partial function which applies the Praat script to a phone and returns the script output """ praat_function = PraatAnalysisFunction(script_path, praat_path=praat_path, arguments=arguments) return praat_function
[docs]def analyze_script(corpus_context, phone_class=None, subset=None, annotation_type=None, script_path=None, duration_threshold=0.01, arguments=None, call_back=None, file_type='consonant', stop_check=None, multiprocessing=True): """ Perform acoustic analysis of phones using an input praat script. Saves the measurement results from the praat script into the database under the same names as the Praat output columns Praat script requirements: - the only input is the full path to the sound file containing (only) the phone - the script prints the output to the Praat Info window in two rows (i.e. two lines). - the first row is a space-separated list of measurement names: these are the names that will be saved into the database - the second row is a space-separated list of the value for each measurement Parameters ---------- corpus_context : :class:`~polyglot.corpus.context.CorpusContext` corpus context to use phone_class : str DEPRECATED, the name of an already encoded subset of phones on which the analysis will be run subset : str, optional the name of an already encoded subset of an annotation type, on which the analysis will be run annotation_type : str the type of annotation that the analysis will go over script_path : str full path to the praat script duration_threshold : float Minimum duration of segments to be analyzed file_type : str File type to use for the script (consonant = 16kHz sample rate, vowel = 11kHz, low_freq = 1200 Hz) arguments : list a list containing any arguments to the praat script (currently not working) call_back : callable call back function, optional stop_check : callable stop check function, optional multiprocessing : bool Flag to use multiprocessing, otherwise will use threading """ if file_type not in ['consonant', 'vowel', 'low_freq']: raise ValueError('File type must be one of: consonant, vowel, or low_freq') if phone_class is not None: raise DeprecationWarning("The phone_class parameter has now been deprecated, please use annotation_type='phone' and subset='{}'".format(phone_class)) annotation_type = corpus_context.phone_name subset = phone_class if call_back is not None: call_back('Analyzing {}...'.format(annotation_type)) time_section = time.time() segment_mapping = generate_segments(corpus_context, annotation_type, subset, file_type=file_type, padding=0, duration_threshold=duration_threshold) if call_back is not None: call_back("generate segments took: " + str(time.time() - time_section)) praat_path = corpus_context.config.praat_path script_function = generate_praat_script_function(praat_path, script_path, arguments=arguments) time_section = time.time() output = analyze_segments(segment_mapping.segments, script_function, stop_check=stop_check, multiprocessing=multiprocessing) if call_back is not None: call_back("time analyzing segments: " + str(time.time() - time_section)) header = sorted(list(output.values())[0].keys()) header_info = {h: float for h in header} point_measures_to_csv(corpus_context, output, header) point_measures_from_csv(corpus_context, header_info, annotation_type=annotation_type) return [x for x in header if x != 'id']
[docs]def analyze_track_script(corpus_context, acoustic_name, properties, script_path, duration_threshold=0.01, phone_class=None, arguments=None, call_back=None, file_type='consonant', stop_check=None, multiprocessing=True): if file_type not in ['consonant', 'vowel', 'low_freq']: raise ValueError('File type must be one of: consonant, vowel, or low_freq') if acoustic_name not in corpus_context.hierarchy.acoustics: corpus_context.hierarchy.add_acoustic_properties(corpus_context, acoustic_name, properties) corpus_context.encode_hierarchy() if call_back is not None: call_back('Analyzing phones...') if phone_class is None: segment_mapping = generate_utterance_segments(corpus_context, padding=PADDING) else: segment_mapping = generate_segments(corpus_context, corpus_context.phone_name, phone_class, file_type=file_type, padding=PADDING, duration_threshold=duration_threshold) segment_mapping = segment_mapping.grouped_mapping('speaker') praat_path = corpus_context.config.praat_path script_function = generate_praat_script_function(praat_path, script_path, arguments=arguments) for i, ((speaker,), v) in enumerate(segment_mapping.items()): output = analyze_segments(v, script_function, stop_check=stop_check, multiprocessing=multiprocessing) corpus_context.save_acoustic_tracks(acoustic_name, output, speaker)