Source code for polyglotdb.acoustics.pitch.base

import math
from datetime import datetime

from conch import analyze_segments
from conch.analysis.segments import SegmentMapping

from .helper import generate_pitch_function
from ..segments import generate_utterance_segments
from ...exceptions import SpeakerAttributeError
from ..classes import Track, TimePoint

from ..utils import PADDING

def analyze_utterance_pitch(corpus_context, utterance, source='praat', min_pitch=50, max_pitch=500,
    if isinstance(utterance, str):
        utterance_id = utterance
        utterance_id =
    padding = kwargs.pop('padding', None)
    if padding is None:
        padding = PADDING
    utt_type = corpus_context.hierarchy.highest
    statement = '''MATCH (s:Speaker:{corpus_name})-[r:speaks_in]->(d:Discourse:{corpus_name}),
                WHERE = $utterance_id
                RETURN u, d, as channel'''.format(corpus_name=corpus_context.cypher_safe_name,
    results = corpus_context.execute_cypher(statement, utterance_id=utterance_id)
    segment_mapping = SegmentMapping()
    for r in results:
        channel = r['channel']
        file_path = r['d']['vowel_file_path']
        u = r['u']
        segment_mapping.add_file_segment(file_path, u['begin'], u['end'], channel, padding=padding)

    path = None
    if source == 'praat':
        path = corpus_context.config.praat_path
    elif source == 'reaper':
        path = corpus_context.config.reaper_path
    pitch_function = generate_pitch_function(source, min_pitch, max_pitch, path=path)

    track = Track()
    for seg in segment_mapping:
        output = pitch_function(seg)

        for k, v in output.items():
            if v['F0'] is None or v['F0'] <= 0:
            p = TimePoint(k)
            p.add_value('F0', v['F0'])
    if 'pitch' not in corpus_context.hierarchy.acoustics:
        corpus_context.hierarchy.add_acoustic_properties(corpus_context, 'pitch', [('F0', float)])
    return track

def update_utterance_pitch_track(corpus_context, utterance, new_track):
    from import s_to_ms, s_to_nano
    if isinstance(utterance, str):
        utterance_id = utterance
        utterance_id =
    today = datetime.utcnow()
    utt_type = corpus_context.hierarchy.highest
    phone_type = corpus_context.hierarchy.lowest
    time_stamp = today.timestamp()
    statement = '''MATCH (s:Speaker:{corpus_name})-[r:speaks_in]->(d:Discourse:{corpus_name}),
                WHERE = $utterance_id
                SET u.pitch_last_edited = $date
                RETURN u, d, as channel, s, collect(p) as p'''.format(
        utt_type=utt_type, phone_type=phone_type)
    results = corpus_context.execute_cypher(statement, utterance_id=utterance_id, date=time_stamp)

    for r in results:
        channel = r['channel']
        discourse = r['d']['name']
        speaker = r['s']['name']
        u = r['u']
        phones = r['p']

    client = corpus_context.acoustic_client()
    query = '''DELETE from "pitch"
                    where "discourse" = '{}' 
                    and "speaker" = '{}' 
                    and "time" >= {} 
                    and "time" <= {};'''.format(discourse, speaker, s_to_nano(u['begin']), s_to_nano(u['end']))
    result = client.query(query)

    data = []
    for data_point in new_track:
        speaker, discourse, channel = speaker, discourse, channel
        time_point, value = data_point['time'], data_point['F0']
        t_dict = {'speaker': speaker, 'discourse': discourse, 'channel': channel}
        label = None
        for i, p in enumerate(sorted(phones, key=lambda x: x['begin'])):
            if p['begin'] > time_point:
            label = p['label']
            if i == len(phones) - 1:
            label = None
        if label is None:
        fields = {'phone': label, 'utterance_id': u['id']}
            if value is None:
            value = float(value)
        except TypeError:
        if value <= 0:
        fields['F0'] = value
        d = {'measurement': 'pitch',
             'tags': t_dict,
             'time': s_to_ms(time_point),
             'fields': fields
    client.write_points(data, batch_size=1000, time_precision='ms')
    if 'pitch' not in corpus_context.hierarchy.acoustics:
    return time_stamp

[docs] def analyze_pitch(corpus_context, source='praat', algorithm='base', call_back=None, absolute_min_pitch=50, absolute_max_pitch=500, adjusted_octaves=1, stop_check=None, multiprocessing=True): """ Parameters ---------- corpus_context : :class:`` source : str Program to use for analyzing pitch, either ``praat`` or ``reaper`` algorithm : str Algorithm to use, ``base``, ``gendered``, or ``speaker_adjusted`` absolute_min_pitch : int Absolute pitch floor absolute_max_pitch : int Absolute pitch ceiling adjusted_octaves : int How many octaves around the speaker's mean pitch to set the speaker adjusted pitch floor and ceiling stop_check : callable Function to check whether processing should stop early call_back : callable Function to report progress multiprocessing : bool Flag whether to use multiprocessing or threading Returns ------- """ if not 'utterance' in corpus_context.hierarchy: raise (Exception('Must encode utterances before pitch can be analyzed')) segment_mapping = generate_utterance_segments(corpus_context, padding=PADDING).grouped_mapping('speaker') num_speakers = len(segment_mapping) path = None if source == 'praat': path = corpus_context.config.praat_path # kwargs = {'silence_threshold': 0.03, # 'voicing_threshold': 0.45, 'octave_cost': 0.01, 'octave_jump_cost': 0.35, # 'voiced_unvoiced_cost': 0.14} elif source == 'reaper': path = corpus_context.config.reaper_path # kwargs = None pitch_function = generate_pitch_function(source, absolute_min_pitch, absolute_max_pitch, path=path) if 'pitch' not in corpus_context.hierarchy.acoustics: corpus_context.hierarchy.add_acoustic_properties(corpus_context, 'pitch', [('F0', float)]) corpus_context.encode_hierarchy() if algorithm == 'speaker_adjusted': speaker_data = {} if call_back is not None: call_back('Getting original speaker means and SDs...') for i, ((k,), v) in enumerate(segment_mapping.items()): if call_back is not None: call_back('Analyzing speaker {} ({} of {})'.format(k, i, num_speakers)) output = analyze_segments(v, pitch_function, stop_check=stop_check, multiprocessing=multiprocessing) sum_pitch = 0 n = 0 for seg, track in output.items(): for t, v in track.items(): v = v['F0'] if v is not None and v > 0: # only voiced frames n += 1 sum_pitch += v mean_pitch = sum_pitch / n speaker_data[k] = int(mean_pitch / math.pow(2, adjusted_octaves)), \ int( mean_pitch * math.pow(2, adjusted_octaves)) for i, ((speaker,), v) in enumerate(segment_mapping.items()): if call_back is not None: call_back('Analyzing speaker {} ({} of {})'.format(speaker, i, num_speakers)) if algorithm == 'gendered': min_pitch = absolute_min_pitch max_pitch = absolute_max_pitch try: q = corpus_context.query_speakers().filter( == speaker) q = q.columns(corpus_context.speaker.gender.column_name('Gender')) gender = q.all()[0]['Gender'] if gender is not None: if gender.lower()[0] == 'f': min_pitch = 100 else: max_pitch = 400 except SpeakerAttributeError: pass pitch_function = generate_pitch_function(source, min_pitch, max_pitch, path=path) elif algorithm == 'speaker_adjusted': min_pitch, max_pitch = speaker_data[speaker] if min_pitch < absolute_min_pitch: min_pitch = absolute_min_pitch if max_pitch > absolute_max_pitch: max_pitch = absolute_max_pitch pitch_function = generate_pitch_function(source, min_pitch, max_pitch, path=path) output = analyze_segments(v, pitch_function, stop_check=stop_check, multiprocessing=multiprocessing) corpus_context.save_acoustic_tracks('pitch', output, speaker) today = datetime.utcnow() corpus_context.query_graph(corpus_context.utterance).set_properties(pitch_last_edited=today.timestamp()) corpus_context.encode_hierarchy()